National HIV/STI/TB Programme

Government of Jamaica 


Treatment Care & Support (TCS)

All In Report for Special Annual Report

ALL IN is a platform for action and collaboration, launched by UNICEF and UNAIDS to inspire a social movement and drive better results with and for adolescents (10-19) through critical changes in programmes and policy. The aim is to unite key players across sectors to accelerate reductions in AIDS-related deaths by 65% and new HIV infections among adolescents by 75% by 2020.

Achieving the targets requires an accelerated response for adolescents.  This will translate to an improved focus and investment in a comprehensive set of actions that will ensure that critical interventions proven to prevent new HIV infections and HIV treatment care and support interventions that reduce vulnerability are made more accessible, acceptable and responsive to adolescents.

The specific objectives of the country assessment are to:

  • Phase 1: Assess national HIV programme response for adolescents focusing on who is most affected, where and what interventions are most critical
  • Phase 2: Analyze bottlenecks and gaps limiting effective coverage of priority HIV programme interventions
  • Phase 3: Define corrective actions to address bottlenecks, gaps in data and accelerate programme coverage, quality and impact

Jamaica has so far completed phase one which has uncovered adolescent and youth specific HIV epidemiological data that is critical for programme planning and interventions.


Standard Indicator National target Current coverage
Percentage of sexually active adolescents (aged 15‒19) who were tested and received results in the last 12 months, most recent data available Girls 75% 35%
Boys 75% 20%
Percentage of adolescents living with HIV receiving antiretroviral therapy for treatment, 2015 Ages 10-19 81% 19%
Ages 10-14 81% 25%
Ages 15-19 81% 16%
Ages 20-24 81% 12%
Proportion of pregnant adolescents 15-19 years who have been initiated ARV therapy for PMTCT, 2013  


Percentage of adolescents (aged 10-19) living with HIV who are on ART and are virologically suppressed (VL below 1000 copies), 2015 All 73% 11%
Girls 73% 10%
Boys 73% 12%

Jamaica’s PMTCT programme continues to be a success as seen with the number of HIV positive adolescents received ART exceeding the national target at 98%. There are however significant gaps with the number of adolescents being tested for HIV and those receiving ART. Much of the challenges are associated with the lack of an enabling environment.

Phase two of All In will further assess the gaps and bottle necks of key indicators and provide a causality analysis of the enabling environment in order to identify strategic action to address deficiencies.