National HIV/STI/TB Programme

Government of Jamaica 

Safer Sex Week


Safer Sex Week (SSW) was first observed in 1994 during the week of Valentine’s Day to heighten awareness for safer sexual practices. SSW is observed during this time because of the anticipated increase in sex love and the need to tie safer sexual messages during this time. These messages include a variety of condom use messages as well as sticking to one faithful, uninfected partner.

During this period the HIV/STI/TB Unit (HSTU) at the Ministry of Health and Wellness in collaboration with the National Family Planning Board (NFPB) conducts various activities aimed at sensitizing the population on safe sex practices. The theme is chosen by a committee and is used as the discussion focus for activities at the National, Regional and Parish levels of the Ministry of Health and Wellness. Community outreach sessions, youth centered social media events, media advertisements and interviews are few of the initiatives that are used to educate and increase awareness on safe sexual behaviours.

2021 Safe Sex is Greater Sex
2009 Smart Women Always Buy, Carry & Use Condoms
2008 Put It On Before You Get It On
2007 Safe Sex/Good Sex = Rubbers & a Test


